Získejte více než 70 milionů za 24 hodin

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Získejte více než 70 milionů za 24 hodin

28.8.2024 06:52 vložil JAROSLAV

Získejte více než 70 milionů za 24 hodin

Půjčky s rychlým schválením. Získejte tuto výhodnou půjčku od hlavního investora od 50 000 do 70 000 000 Kč bez zástavy nemovitosti nebo kontroly registru. Všechny půjčky jsou vyřízeny do 24 hodin od podpisu smlouvy o půjčce! Splatnost lze fixovat až na 360 měsíců s možností předčasného splacení kdykoliv bez dalších nákladů. Schválení půjčky během několika minut. Nabídka platí pro celou ČR. Vyžádejte si více informací prostřednictvím kontaktu WhatsApp: e-mailu: Jaroslav.dlouhy8@gmail.com

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1.9.2024 02:09 vložil Ezra Pavati


In 2022, my best friend introduced me to a Telegram platform where she was successfully trading Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, making over $85,000 in just three months. Encouraged, I invested $25,000, saw a 30% ROI in my first month, and withdrew $10,000. Feeling confident, I upgraded to the premium plan and invested an additional $65,000. My investment grew to $350,000, and I decided to withdraw the funds to buy a property.
However, the platform demanded an unexpected 25% commission, which was not in the original agreement. I managed to pay 20%, but they continued asking for more. When I couldn’t pay, they closed my account and stopped responding. My friend and I reported the incident to the police, who informed us that the company was based in India and that they would need to involve Interpol. After waiting three months with no progress, my friend found a blockchain recovery expert. Contacting them was the turning point. Within two days, they arranged a trial deposit, and the next day, I received a full deposit of $430,000, including all bonuses. They saved my investment, and I promised to share my story to help others in similar situations. Their communication was excellent throughout the process, and I highly recommend them. If you need help, here’s their contact info: Telegram: AssetRecoverNet
Email: assetrecovernet@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +1 (504) 302-3464
In 2022, my best friend introduced me to a Telegram platform where she was successfully trading Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, making over $85,000 in just three months. Encouraged, I invested $25,000, saw a 30% ROI in my first month, and withdrew $10,000. Feeling confident, I upgraded to the premium plan and invested an additional $65,000. My investment grew to $350,000, and I decided to withdraw the funds to buy a property.
However, the platform demanded an unexpected 25% commission, which was not in the original agreement. I managed to pay 20%, but they continued asking for more. When I couldn’t pay, they closed my account and stopped responding. My friend and I reported the incident to the police, who informed us that the company was based in India and that they would need to involve Interpol. After waiting three months with no progress, my friend found a blockchain recovery expert.
Contacting them was the turning point. Within two days, they arranged a trial deposit, and the next day, I received a full deposit of $430,000, including all bonuses. They saved my investment, and I promised to share my story to help others in similar situations. Their communication was excellent throughout the process, and I highly recommend them.
If you need help, here’s their contact info:
Telegram: AssetRecoverNet
Email: assetrecovernet@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +1 (504) 302-3464

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